How to Play

You can join in with Mr Countdown by joining the Quiz channel on your talker:

> talker Quiz
You whisper to the small stick and the eyes add channel "Quiz" to the list.

And then starting a game with !countdown. If a game is already running, just chat your answers on the talker.

> quiz !countdown
(Quiz) Mr Countdown wisps: Welcome to Taffyd's Countdown.
(Quiz) Mr Countdown wisps: High scores:

This Week's Top 10 Scores

Player Total Score

Top 10 Scores

Player Total Score
Clanger 77090
Sepulchrave 31686
Receipts 31199
Gwydion 25789
Prodfor 25223
Animaltamer 14376
Kaylar 11110
Hamlet@epitaph 9250
Supreme 8598
Hamlet 7086